Landlords & letting Agents
As a landlord or letting agent, a reliable pest control service can be an essential as landlords can often find themselves in breach of tenancy agreement due to pest related problems should the tenant move out, a landlord is not only left with the cost of treatment but also the vacant cost and the cost of re-letting the property.
Deadline Pest Control can provide a bespoke pest control service to resolve your pest control problem as quickly and efficiently as possible with the interests of both landlord and tenant in mind. We can deal with the tenant on your behalf, saving time and work for the landlord and retaining the tenant.
Precautionary Measures
- 24/7 PEST ADVICE LINE – For when your just not sure.
- 24/7 CALL OUT SERVICE – For when you need us most.
- PLAIN UNMARKED VEHICLES -So the neighbours don’t have to know.